Friday, February 27, 2009

You Have Heard That It Was Said...You Must Submit/Obey Without Question To Spiritual Authority and You Must Have A Covering

But JESUS said unto you:

Mark 10:42-45.
42 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them.
43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:
44 And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.
45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.(KJV)

Matt 20:25-28.
25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.
26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:
28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.(KJV)

This is the foundation that Jesus laid and set for those who are to rule in His kingdom. This is also the same foundation that the apostles and disciples built upon. As the apostle, Paul said, "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ" ( I Corinthians 3:11).

Many of those who are addressed as "pastor" in local assemblies of the body of Christ today have a perverted understanding of what it means to have the "rule" over others. As a result, it seems the majority of the local assemblies of the body of Christ operate either under the principles of a military “boot-camp” or by the corporate structure of a “fortune-five-hundred” company. In either scenario, you will find that the leadership roles function more like a dictating “drill-sergeant,” or the “mover-and-shaker” type chief executive officer (CEO). Both descriptions are referred to as “the pastor". Sadly enough, these unbiblical practices are done under the auspices of establishing the "proper-order-of-authority" or "chain-of-command" within the local assembly to the degree that many "pastors" proudly and boldly preach this concept of “submission-to-authority” from the pulpit.

Unfortunately, secularist mentalities have been allowed to infiltrate, influence and finally completely seduce the minds of those who are supposed to, “…by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” One of the most commonly misused scriptures to support this misapplied concept of "submitting-to-authority" is Hebrews 13:17, "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." (KJV).

Your first question to this verse should be: 1). “Who is it that has the rule over me?” 2). “What are the areas of my life (parameters) in which I obey them that have this rule?” The Holy Spirit gave me the revelation of this verse as he reminded me of what Jesus (my sure foundation) said in Mark 10:42-45 and Matthew 20:25-28. It is obvious from these passages that Jesus first outlines how the Gentile (unsaved, secular and carnal minded) people demonstrated their system of authority. From this description that Jesus gives, we can see that those who do not have a relationship with the Lord (God), rule over other people by domination like a dictator (lord) does over those who are under his domain. In this type of system everyone is to be submitted to the whims, rules, regulations, policies and commands of the one who is considered to be the greatest and this is to be done without question.

Contrarily, Jesus instructs that those who are to inherit the kingdom of God will not operate by the same principles of authority as those who are of the world and without God. In fact, Jesus reveals a standard for ruling over others that is the exact opposite of how the carnal mind of man understands authority. Jesus explains that truly great people within the kingdom are those who minister to others and a person's ruler-ship within the kingdom is servant-ship. Jesus then reminds his disciples of his demonstration of this statement.To help bring more clarity to this kingdom of God principle of ruler-ship, the Holy Spirit revealed it to me like this:

According to the world's logic the person who is seated in a restaurant to be served is the ruler over the waiter who is doing the serving. In the kingdom of God, the waiter is the actual ruler over the person who is being served. If this statement seems mind boggling to you, it could be a good indicator that you need to meditate more on the word of God than you do on the systems of the world. It was after the Lord revealed this truth to me that I discovered what the Lord had said in Luke 22:24-27:
24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.
25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.
26 But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.
27 For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth. (KJV)

So, I will use this same analogy (someone who serves food compared to someone who is being served) to help reveal what Hebrews 13:17 is saying about those who have the rule over you. Based on Mark 10:42-45, the ones who have rule over you are those who are serving you and ministering to you. Also please notice that the scripture says to obey "them," meaning more than one person (not just "my pastor"). According to Ephesians 4:11, Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers as "vocation" ministry gifts for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ. Each of these "vocation" (ministry) gifts have a specific area that it serves and ministers to other saints.

For example, just like in Hebrews 13:17, you are to obey the waiters, who are serving you and ministering to your needs because they have the rule over you for the purpose of making sure that your eating experience is as edifying as possible while you are in the restaurant or on a luxury cruise.

The next part of this verse says, "…and submit yourselves:" This is simply saying that you should allow the waiters (do not interfere or stop the waiters from doing their job of serving) to serve and minister to your eating needs. If a waiter is neatly setting your table with water for you to drink and silverware for you to eat with; do not make it difficult for him by putting your hands in the way.

“Why?” You may ask. The answer is found in the next part of verse 17, "…for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account,..." Again, waiters are held responsible (accountable) for being attentive and watchful to make sure that you enjoy your meal. If a good minister/servant/waiter sees that your glass of water is almost empty, his responsibility is to come to you and refill your glass with water without you having to call him over or having to get it for yourself. In this situation, the waiters are the rulers over you!

The next part of this verse says, "... that they may do it with joy, and not with grief:" If you make it hard for a waiter to serve and minister to your eating needs by walking around the restaurant after he brings you hot food; getting other amenities on your own; or by repeatedly changing your seat to other tables in the restaurant, the waiter/waitress probably would not enjoy serving you because he/she would have to unnecessarily work twice as hard. Then the act of simply and joyfully serving you would become a burden.

Well someone might say, "So what is the big deal if a waiter has to work a little harder to serve me, after all that is his job!" Yes, this is true, but no matter how much excellence a waiter may have in serving and ministering to your eating needs; if your attitude or actions show that you are unappreciative, you will not recognize nor receive the benefits of being ministered to with good service.

The last part of verse 17 says exactly that, "…for that is unprofitable for you." In order for you to receive the profits of being ministered to, you must not make it hard for someone to serve you. Remember though, when you allow people to minister to your needs, you have given them the rule over you in the specific area that they are serving you.

If Christians truly understood this principle of ruler-ship and understood what their individual purpose and function is in the body of Christ, they would then serve/rule within the area that they are gifted by God to serve/rule in. Now within the kingdom of God, servant-ship is ruler-ship, but there is no ruler-ship that is without accountability. Even the supreme ruler-ship of our heavenly Father (God) is accountable to even his own words (The Holy Bible).

If we swing wide open the doors of many local assemblies of the body of Christ, the general consensus of those who are in leadership (“pastors”) is clearly that a Christian who is (full of the Holy Ghost and armed with the word of God) not recognized as a leader himself/herself still has no rights, or authority and is forbidden to hold these pastors accountable for preaching or teaching false and unsound doctrines. But here in Hebrews Chapter 13, verse 17 we can see that those who are ruling must give account for their actions. Although, this verse never says specifically who they must give account to, the majority of those who rule in the body of Christ today automatically assume that they are not required to give account to those to whom they are supposed to be serving.

This is not the attitude of a servant/ruler but instead it is the disposition of a tyrant/ruler. Instead, they will pick and choose certain and select persons who they consider to be authorized to hold them accountable. These people who are "chosen" to hold others accountable are usually considered to be on a higher plateau of spirituality or biblical experience and are usually partners in (crime) the same false doctrines. This is where the term "covering" comes from and even though it is taught by many, it is a false doctrine and practice that is clearly not biblical for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself, when seeing the errors and sins of the Pharisees (the false religious ruling authority) constantly rebuked and corrected them publicly for the purpose of holding them accountable to the word of God and to the people by exposing them.

I Timothy 5:20
20 Them that sin rebuke before all that others also may fear.(KJV)

As Christians (members of the body of Christ), we are all held accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ and to each other by the word of God. The Bible clearly gives us instructions and examples as to how to hold those who rule accountable by confronting them with the word of God and exposing their errors. A person’s age, position in a local assembly, education or even his/her “vocation gift” is not what determines whether or not those who are ruling must give account to whom they serve. Any person, who is ruling (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, bishop, elder or deacon) over others within the body of Christ, is first accountable to the Word of God and then to the people to whom he/she is to serve within the body of Christ.

Now we need to see how the illustration of this principle of ruler-ship actually works within the body of Christ for which it was originally intended. In order to do so, let us start with another scripture that is also found in the 13th chapter of Hebrews, verse 7 reads:

Hebrews 13:7
7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. (KJV)

According to this verse, within the body of Christ, those that have the rule over you are those "…who have spoken unto you the word of God:" Many Christians who have read this without revelation and without considering the foundation that Jesus laid down concerning ruler-ship would, as a result, follow the status quo of the traditions of men in this area. But no! This verse does not endorse the philosophy that whoever has the microphone on the platform is the ruler over you. Nor does it imply that someone is the ruler over you just because he/she is called "pastor" within a local assembly of the body of Christ where you may fellowship.

As we look back at this verse we can see that one of the qualifiers for those who are to have the rule over you is that they, "... have spoken unto you the word of God." This means first that what the person speaks has to be sound doctrine. If what has been spoken is not sound doctrine, then that person has not spoken unto you the word of God. Therefore, he/she does NOT have the rule over anyone in the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is just that simple. Whenever the word of God is spoken, there should always be an impartation of either sound doctrine, revelation, faith, correction, rebuke or instruction in righteousness, etc. The scripture says next that it's the faith of these ministers/servants who have spoken to you the word of God that should be followed. This is because there should be a demonstration of the same sound doctrine by those who have spoken as an example of faith for others to follow. And the final words of this verse says that the purpose (end) of their speaking and life demonstration should always be weighed or measured to see indeed if it is what verse 8 dictates it should be, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever," Nothing more and nothing less. It's just that simple.

So use these scriptures as the measuring stick and compare the scripture to those who say that they have the "rule" over you and expect you to submit to and obey them.

The 21st century apostle,
Orlando Bethel
Acts 3:26

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Out of Church" Christians

In order to give a biblical response to this topic, it is first important to understand what is the "Church" as it is shown and described in the New Testament scriptures. Being that we as Christians in this 21st century are still required to pattern ourselves after the examples of Christian life that we find in the New Testament scriptures, it would be only obvious that the Church of the New Testament scriptures should also be the only example or if you will, "the measuring stick" for us to use today as a guide to accurately define what is the "Church".
Church: (Ecclesia) the called out assembly.

As it was stated in a letter by a man named Andrew Strom ("Out OF Church" Christians), "It is today's church system that they [Christians] have given up on.". Clearly this "system" of Church that has been developed, recognized and accepted among many who are a part of what is considered "mainline Christianity" is not functioning according to the New Testament Church example that is given in the scriptures. Instead, of an actively living, growing, reproducing unified and boundless organism (the Body of Christ), what has been formed is just an incorporated organization, private social club for the elite and even worst, a cult that worships an ideology or movement along with its founder more than the creator of the heaven and earth (Jesus Christ).

These are the very concepts that the New Testament Christians were called out from and thus forming the ecclesia (the called out assembly), the Church. Based on the scriptures, the Church was never to be considered or spoken of as a particular place but in actuality and most certainly, a set apart group. Throughout the New Testament we can read where the called out assembly (the Church) met in different locations (the temple, a school, synagogues, etc.), but the most common and frequently found location where the called out assembly met was inside of different believers' houses.

Contrary to what is acceptable by the standards of "today's church system", "house church" as it is called today, was the regular location for the "called out assembly". This is indigenous to the fact that Christians can meet in a house with just two or three and still be just as much if not more a "part of the 'BODY' that Jesus brings together" as those who meet with larger crowds. The called out assembly in the scriptures was often set in very casual environments and everyone had opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to be manifested through them for the profit of all, in contrast to the highly structured, one man show, mega-churches that "today's church system" has produced.

Another dimension (there are many) to this issue is that some of the people who have left and are leaving "today's church system" are prophets and are called to be in a "Wilderness" place (alone with God). As prophets, they only come out of the "Wilderness" to execute the word from the Lord or to even travel from one assembly to another as being led by the Spirit of God. It is most common for some Christians who have the call of a prophet on their lives to become intensely grieved to the point of just leaving an assembly because of certain unbiblical activities that are allowed to go on. Others with this call are usually excommunicated (kicked out) after they rebuke openly someone in "leadership". Thus they are forced into a "Wilderness". Examples of these can be seen in Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Micaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and many other prophets. John the Baptist as a prophet of the Most High was called to live and preach in the "Wilderness" opposed to compromising the call on his life by being a part of the church system of his current day.

Agabus was a prophet, who in the New Testament church traveled from one assembly to another prophesying doom and destruction. In "today's church system", based on how others who prophesy a "negative" word are treated, Agabus would be considered a "church hopper", "renegade" or "troublemaker", and he would be accused of "not being submitted to authority" or even worst a "false prophet". This is also a clear indication of how far off "today's church system" really is from the called out assembly in the New Testament scriptures.

The very evidence that supports the fact that "today's church system" is not set up according to the New Testament Church standard are such phrases as "church hoppers", "my church/ your church" or even the question "who's church are you a member of?" and especially "'out of church' Christians". These very phrases have become a very common and accepted part of the vast majority of Christians' vocabulary.

First of all, how is it possible according to the scripture to even still be considered a Christian (not living in sin) and at the same time be "out of (the) Church". When a person becomes "born again", he/ she automatically becomes a "member" of the Body of Christ world wide (the Church) and not a member of some kind of separated local assembly. There is no other head (in heaven or earth) that has a Church where the members are called Christians aside from Jesus Christ. He has only one Church and it is not possible to "hop" to another one (Church). The last time that I checked the Bible, the apostle, Paul rebuked the Corinthians calling them "carnal" and "babes" because they had tried to divide the Church into separate allegiances.
If indeed "today's church system" is the true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, then the Christians who have come out of it are not true Christians, but instead backslidden reprobates.

Now if these Christians who are considered "out of church" are faithfully and truly serving Christ with their lives, then obviously it is "today's church system that is FALSE. You can't have it both ways. So since the Church of the New Testament is the "called out assembly" and it has become apparent to many that "today's church system" is really a false system (not true to the scriptural example of the "Church"), then it should be a clarion wake up call to all those who claim to be Christians when they see such a mass exodus out of what has been perpetrated as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This message has been published for the growth and edification of the body of Christ individually and worldwide. Thank you very kindly.

The 21st century apostle,
Orlando Bethel
Acts 3:26

Sunday, February 8, 2009

GOD Hates SINners/ GOD Loves the Saints

There are many false doctrines of devils, traditions of men and seducing spirits that have crept into the body of CHRIST by the mouths of dogs and wolves who are perpetrating to be the ministers of CHRIST but who instead are the ministers of satan and the most nefarious and heinous of these falsities is the lie that "GOD loves everybody".

So without any additional commentary, the following scriptures fully address this issue of who GOD hates and who GOD loves.

GOD Hates SINners
Psalm 5:4-5 (GOD hates all workers of iniquity).
Matthew 7:21-23 (Depart from me ye that do iniquity).
Matthew 13:41-42 (Them which do iniquity; cast them in a furnace of fire).
Psalm 11:5-6 (GOD’s soul hates the wicked and the violent).
Romans 8:7 ( The carnal mind is enmity against GOD).
Proverb 22:14 (He that is abhorred of the LORD).
Deuteronomy 32:19 (And when the Lord saw it, he abhorred them).
Romans 9:13 (Esau have I hated).
Hebrews 12:16-17 (he found no place of repentance).
Hosea 9:15 ( There I hated them).
Proverb 17:15 (They both are abomination to the LORD).
Proverb 16:5 (Proud in heart is abomination to the LORD).
Proverb 6:16-19 (Six things the LORD hates seven are abomination unto him).
Proverb 11:20 ( Froward heart are abomination).

GOD’s Violent Anger With The Wicked
Psalm 7:11 (GOD is angry with the wicked everyday).
John 3:36 ( The wrath of GOD abideth on him).
Ephesians 5:6 (The wrath of GOD upon the children of disobedience).
Colossians 3:6 (The wrath of GOD cometh on the children of disobedience).

Live Sin Free
John 5:14 (Sin no more lest a worse thing come unto you).
John 8:11 (Go and sin no more).
John 8:34 (Whosoever committeth sin, is the servant of sin).
I John 3:6 (Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not).
I John 3:8 (He that committeth sin is of the devil).
I John 3:9 (Whosoever is born of GOD doth not commit sin).
I Peter 4:1-2 (Hath ceased from sin).
I Corinthians 15:34 (Awake to righteousness, and sin not).
Ephesians 4:26 (Be angry and sin not).
Psalm 4:4 (Stand in awe and sin not).
Hebrews 10:26-29 (If we sin willfully).
Romans 6:1-2 (Shall we continue in sin).
Romans 6:7 (Freed from sin).
Romans 6:14-16 (Sin shall not have dominion).
Titus 2:14 (Redeem us from all iniquity).
Psalm 119:1-3 (They do no iniquity)
Exodus 20:20 (That ye sin not)

GOD Does Not Hear SINners
John 9:31 (GOD heareth not sinners).
John 17:9 (I pray not for the world).
I Peter 3:12 ( The face of the LORD is against them that do evil).
Psalm 34:15-16 (The face of the LORD is against them that do evil).
Proverb 15:29 (The LORD is far from the wicked).
Isaiah 59:1-3 (That he will not hear).
Proverb 21:27 (The sacrifice of the wicked).
Jeremiah 7:13-16 (Pray not for this people).
Jeremiah 11:11-14 (Pray thou not for this people).
Jeremiah 14:10-12 (Pray not for this people).
Proverb 1:24-28 (I will not answer).
Amos 5:21-23 (Take away the noise of your songs).

Who GOD Loves
John 13:1 (He loved his own).
John 17:22-23 ( hast loved them as thou hast loved me).
John 15:9-10 (Continue ye in my love).
John 15:13-14 (Greater love hath no man than this).
John 14:21-23 (Shall be loved of my Father and I will love him).
Proverb 15:9 (Him that followeth after righteousness).

SINners Hate GOD
John 3:20 (Every one that doeth evil hateth the light).
Romans 8:7 ( The carnal mind is enmity against GOD).
I John 2:15 (The love of the Father is not in him).
I John 2:22 (He is antichrist).
James 4:4 (Friendship with the world is enmity with GOD).
John 14:24 (He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings).
John 7:7 (Because I testify that the works are evil).
John 8:47 (Ye are not of GOD).
John 5:42 (Ye have not the love of GOD in you).

Commands for Christians to Be Perfect
Matthew 5 :48 (Be ye therefore Perfect)
Matthew 19:21
Luke 6:40
John 17:23 (May be perfect in one)
Ephesians 4:12
Galatians 3:3
II Corinthians 13:9,11
II Timothy 3:16-17
Colossians 1:28
Colossians 4:12
Phillipians 3:15
Hebrews 10:14
Hebrews 13:21
I Peter 5:10
I John 2:5
Job 2:3

The 21st century apostle,

Orlando Bethel

Preaching the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ to SINners

It is clear from the holy scripture (Psalm 5:5) that GOD hates SINners (workers of iniquity). Never-the-less, the mere thought of the fact that GOD hates anyone, disarms the average SINner from the last piece of any false and deceptive assurance he or she may have of making it into Heaven. It is therefore without any amazement that SINners adversely react to the sound Bible truth that “GOD hates SINners” when it is vigorously preached by a fearless preacher of the Gospel.

A common erroneous belief opposing the Bible message of “GOD hates SINners” comes from the mouth of pseudo-saints who say “what SINner would possibly want to come to GOD if GOD hates SINners?” This philosophy has been developed because the majority of confessing Christians have been seduced into believing the lie that the primary responsibility of any real Christian is to draw as many SINners to GOD (Jesus Christ) as possible, without offending the SINners. These so called expert soul winners believe and teach that Jesus never said anything that would offend SINners because he was too busy loving on them and this they believe in the face of verbatim scripture that proves the contrary. These apostate false teachers are only reproducing sheep after their own kind…hell bound SINners and reprobates.

Through basic reading of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John a person, who has not been indoctrinated with doctrines of devils, seducing spirits and traditions of men by the sleight of men, can easily conclude that Jesus’ words were just as offensive to SINners then as they are to SINners now. Contrary to the false teaching that has been spewed from behind countless pulpits, the Pharisees were not the only group of SINners who Jesus made offensive statements to and about.

The Words Of Jesus Christ
Jesus called a woman a *dog* (Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 7:25-30); Jesus called Peter satan (Matthew 16:21-23; Mark 8:31-33); Jesus called his own disciples faithless and *perverse* (Matthew 17:14-17; Luke 9:41); Jesus called all those who sold and bought in the temple thieves (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17); Jesus denied being related to those who were considered to be his mother and brothers if they did not do the will of his Father, GOD (Mark 3:32-35); Jesus offended many people in his own country with his teachings and works (Mark 6:1-3); Jesus *upbraided* his disciples (Mark 16:14); Jesus’ words offended all the people in the synagogue in Nazareth so much that they were filled with *wrath* and attempted to throw Jesus off of a hill (Luke 4:28-29); Jesus called the people who were gathered around him an *evil* generation and said that they would be *condemned* in the judgment (Luke 11:29-32); Jesus told the people that unless they repented they would *perish* (Luke 13:1-5); Jesus called Herod who was a governmental ruler a *fox* (Luke 13:31-32); Jesus called two of his disciples *fools* (Luke 24:25); Jesus *upbraided* whole cities, prophesied *woe* to them and condemned them to hell because they repented not after hearing the preaching of the kingdom of GOD (Matthew 11:20-24; Luke 10:13-15);

Perverse: Turned away from what is right or good, corrupt;
Upbraided: To criticize severely, find fault with, to reproach severely, scold vehemently;
Wrath: Strong vengeful anger or indignation, retributory punishment for an offense or crime;
Evil: Wicked, sin;
Condemned: declared to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil;
Perish: die;
Fox: A crafty or cunning person;
Fool: Stupid person;
Woe: Deep suffering, misfortune;
Dog: A worthless person;

Additionally, many professing Christians and SINners alike have a totally errant and distorted perception of how Jesus conducted himself. Some would falsely purport that Jesus the Christ never raised his voice while addressing people but John 12:44 states that “Jesus cried and said” and John 7:28 states “Then Jesus cried in the temple as he taught”. In John 7:37, it states: “…Jesus stood and cried, saying…” The word “cried” as it is used in these texts, is an old English word which simply means “shouted”, not wept.

But the answer to this question requires only the basic understanding of the predominant message to SINners throughout the holy scriptures, which is

This command for SINners to repent was preached by the Old Testament prophets who spoke as they were moved by GOD. The message to repent was accompanied with a warning of destruction. Those who ignored the message to repent would divinely encounter the intense and hot *wrath* (violent anger) of GOD. The message to repent is as a direct result of the foundational sound biblical truth that “GOD hates SINners.” Obviously, there would be no real need for SINners to repent if GOD loved them. This is the same message that was preached in the New Testament scriptures. John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, Peter, Paul and the disciples/ followers of Christ preached this same message with a foundational understanding that GOD is angry with the wicked everyday (Psalm 7:11) and that the wicked and those who love violence, GOD hates (Psalm 11:5).

What has been canonized as the New Testament scriptures opens with John the Baptist continuing this same message- to repent and to flee from the wrath to come (Matthew 3:1-2; Luke 3:7-8). Many will read these passages in the New Testament and not consider exactly what John the Baptist was preaching that people should repent for and who was bringing the wrath that the people should flee from. Firstly, it is clearly understood from the text that the people were being told openly and publicly by John the Baptist to repent for their sins. Secondly, the wrath that John the Baptist was telling the people to flee from was coming from GOD (John 3:36). *WRATH: retirbutory punishment for an offense*.

Please take careful notice to this text of the holy scripture because no where in John the Baptist’s open and public preaching to the SINners did he ever say that GOD loved them in order to get them to turn to GOD. So it is a great departure from; and perversion of sound doctrine for anyone else who claims to be a preacher of the Gospel to try to turn SINners to GOD by lying and telling them that GOD loves them. Further, no where throughout the book of Acts will you ever read that any of the apostles or disciples ever preached to SINners that GOD loved them.

These agents of satan himself purporting themselves to be ministers of Christ, not only subvert whole houses with the lie that GOD loves SINners but they further attempt to oppose, withstand and condemn those who are preaching the pristine and sound doctrinal message that “GOD hates SINners.”

The spiritual warfare on this topic is great and has increased even more because of the perversion of GOD's word that is spewing from the pulpits of weak, wimpy, effiminate, lukewarm, blaspheming, reprobate, lying ministers of satan purporting themselves to be ministers of Christ. The time is now at hand where there is a clear separation between those who have decided to believe the lie that “GOD loves SINners” from those who can still hear GOD's voice and have enough Holy Ghost boldness to stand in the face of the status-quo, lukewarm, wimpy, perverted, Bible illiterate and powerless pseudo-Christian and not bow down to the lies of the devil. As a result, it is with much tribulation and persecution at the hands of the wicked hell bound SINners that the saints of GOD fearlessly preach this historic divinely inspired message from GOD that: “GOD hates SINners, repent in Jesus name and live sin free.” The holy scripture says this concerning these corrupters:

2 Peter 2:1-3
1But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
3And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

The scripture states that “many” not a few shall follow the destructive and deadly ways of these pseudo-Christians. The primary reason why these pseudo-Christians will be followed by “many” is because “the way of truth shall be evil spoken of” and those who follow them love not the truth to the damning of their souls. This is precisely what happens when the way of truth that "GOD hates SINners" is preached, it is "evil spoken of" by those who love not the truth to the damning of their souls.

The 21st century apostle,
Orlando Bethel
Acts 3:26

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Gift of the Holy Spirit with a Sign of Glossolalia (Tongues)

2-4-09 AD
Jesus said in Mark 16:17 that those who believe SHALL speak with new tongues. In Acts 8:12-17 the people were believers but had NOT YET received the Holy Ghost until Peter and John laid hands on some of them. It was NOT the "moment" they believed when they were filled. In Acts 10:44-46 the Holy Ghost fell on the Gentiles and they spake with tongues as the Holy Ghost fell on (filled) the Jews in the beginning, Acts 11:15-17.

Ephesians 1:12-13 NEVER refers to any parameters of time from when a believer trusts in Christ until when the same believer is sealed with the Holy Spirit, therefore neither can you or anyone else say how much time will or will not lapse between a believer trusting in Christ and being sealed (filled) with the Holy Ghost. For those who attempt to use Ephesians 1:12-13 to state that it is axiomatic at the very “moment” any person believes in Christ is when they are sealed or filled with the Holy Ghost; those people, are liars. Acts 8:12-17 and Acts 19:1-6 completely disproves that FALSE doctrine.

That being said, Acts 5:32 declares that GOD gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey him. So, if you say that you believe in Christ but you have NOT YET been filled with the Holy Spirit with the sign of speaking with new tongues (glossolalia), there is some area in your life where you are not obeying GOD. Further, if you say that you have been a believer for any great length of time in your life and you still have not been filled with the Holy Ghost with the sign of glossolalia, then you need to examine yourself to see whether you are reprobate, II Corinthians 13:5.

Those who teach such false doctrines are either completely Bible illiterate or just reprobates. I find it without coincidence that those who teach against receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost with the sign of speaking with "new", "other" or "unknown " tongues (glossolalia) are the very ones who have never had this manifested experience. Think about it, don't you find it strange that those who claim to be "Baptist" for example, usually all have the same common philosophy against receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost with the sign of speaking with "new", "other" or "unknown " tongues.

Additionally, no where in Ephesians 1:12-13; Ephesians 4:30; Galatians 4:6 or Titus 3:5 does it ever imply or even suggest that the receiving of the Holy Ghost does not come with the manifestation of a "new", "other" or "unknown " tongue. Just reading those passages prima facie (on the face) a person would not deduce from a logical, common sense understanding that these passages negate the biblical fact that when a believer is filled with the Holy Ghost that believer will speak with new tongues just as Jesus said believers would in Mark 16:17.

Remember, the book of Acts details several events surrounding those who were believers or who became believers and how they recieved the gift of the Holy Ghost. i.e. the more than one hundred and twenty believers in the upper room on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2); The people of Samaria (Acts 8); the apostle, Paul (Acts 9); Cornelius and his household (Acts 10) and; The disciples at Ephesus (Acts 19). If you would really study Acts 15 you will see that the main issue in this chapter was about how the Gentiles could be saved and Peter referencing back to the events in Acts 10:44-46, declared how that GOD gave the Gentiles the Holy Ghost "even as he did unto us", inwhich in both case the Holy Spirit was given with the sign of speaking with tongues.

When a person reads a passage of scripture from one of the epistles to the Church it is designed primarily as instructions to those who are already filled with the Holy Ghost but the Book of Acts references many who were NOT YET filled with the Holy Ghost and thus, it gives good foundational examples of how people were filled with the Holy Ghost. I personally know people who were believers in Christ but were NOT YET filled with the Holy Ghost and then after they would earnestly seek the Lord in prayer and fasting and OBEY GOD in their daily lives, they received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the sign of speaking with new tongues just as Jesus said believers would.

CONCLUSION: Those who DO NOT BELIEVE in receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost with the sign of speaking with new tongues are called UNBELIEVERS because Jesus said that speaking in tongues is a sign that "SHALL follow them that BELIEVE", Mark 16:17.

The 21st century apostle,
Orlando Bethel
Acts 3:26